

PODS gives current or prospective restaurant owners the mobile freedom to move to different locations without the large brick-and-mortar expenses. PODS can be used for restaurant owners who would like to test run a new location or concept without the liability of real estate investment, allowing them both financial and location flexibility. The customizable snap-rail system allows ample space for a unique, easy-to-clean kitchen setup. Streamlining restaurant management within the PODS is simple with its included technology that displays recipes and orders in real time.


Music festivals, sporting events, and other outdoor activities for large amounts of people can lack clean air-conditioned restroom spaces. PODS has the ability to work as a portable, well-kept, and air-conditioned restroom unit that keeps event attendees happy and taken care of. PODS can also be used to house fully-operational kitchens to modernize mobile food operations.

Emergency Medical Services

PODS has special builds for EMS services. The solar power feature can power the operations within the POD resulting in reduced operating costs, sustainability, and seamless larger scale integration of essential medical equipment.

Disaster Relief

At the core of RSQ US values, we focus on the pioneering of technology in order to help fellow men and women. Natural disasters, crime, and war can all cause distress and unrest resulting in injuries and crises for families and individuals. Taking care of others is what RSQ US focuses on. There are POD builds to sustainably and efficiently take care of different needs that arise in these situations.


PODS has builds that can work as office spaces on-the-move. Having a space to focus is important in moving any operation forward. On a construction site for example, mobile offices provide such a space. With the snap-rail system, solar power, mobility, and ability to provide plumbing, there are no other options that compare to what POD builds provide.